November 7th marks the beginning of our story with the initiation of the charter members of Alpha Gamma Sigma - Gamma Chapter in Lincoln, Nebraska. The first steps to creating this chapter were taken by Dan Hixon, Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture, who was contacted by members of the Beta Chapter. Assistant Dean Hixon then met with the Agricultural Men's Club at UNL, and approximately half of the members decided to colonize with Alpha Gamma Sigma Fraternity. During the period of colonization, Donald R. Warner, an alumnus of the Beta Chapter, served as the chapter advisor. The new chapter rented a house located at 3256 Holdrege Street, and this would become the first Alpha Gamma Sigma home.

Gamma Chapter Founding Fathers, 1953
Front row (left): Kay Don Wiggins, Jerry Jensen, Stan Eberspacher, Phil Miller, Alois Bell, Charlie Watson and Dale Filkins
Middle row: Dick Jiskra, Donald Sander, Maurice Norton, Vern Jacobmeier, Carroll French, Don Lees, Dale Van Vleck, Lloyd Lathrop and Art Kuhl
Back row: Don Fitz, Lee Nielsen, Jack Stammer, Gerald Schiermeyer, Merton “Cap” Dierks, Boyd Stuhr, Chuck Schuerman and Norm Reed
The Gamma Chapter continued to grow and develop in the years following initiation, becoming well known throughout the Greek community for their involvement in campus organizations and the community. The growth of the chapter led to a decision to purchase the house at 4013 Holdrege Street, previously owned by FarmHouse. This new location would serve as the home of the Gamma Chapter until the new house was built in 1972. The address for the new house became 4001 Holdrege.

As the academic year came to a close in May, the Gamma Chapter began building a new facility at the 4001 Holdrege Street location with funds from the Alumni Association. This new facility was completed in 1972 and was highly beneficial to continuing the chapter’s history of expansion and advancement, and the decision to incorporate apartment-style living areas rather than traditional dorm-style spaces in the house’s design allowed the members to be more connected while also providing a more comfortable living experience.

This year marked one of the most significant achievements for the men of the Gamma Chapter with the formation of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Foundation. This special foundation was created to ensure that the needs of the Gamma Chapter will continue to be met and that Alpha Gamma Sigma will always be able to provide a valuable fraternity experience.
This summer provided a new opportunity for growth, as an addition was built on to the existing chapter house. Thanks to the generous donations from our alumni, the chapter was able to receive a state-of-the-art kitchen and computer room in order to meet its members’ needs.
To Today
Throughout all of the changes in our chapter’s history, the internal quality of the Gamma Chapter remains the same as we continue to lead the campus in scholarship and involvement. For the past 71 years, our members have worked tirelessly to redefine the fraternity stereotype and provide a community of innovation and success.
The Gamma Chapter has always been at the heart of Greek life at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. From our founding to the present, our proud history speaks for itself through high academic achievement and leadership within the university. With more than 1,100 initiates, the Gamma Chapter has influenced the lives of numerous men and cultivated lasting friendships in the process. Many of our best college memories can be traced back to our Alpha Gamma Sigma experience.
While many of our alumni have graduated and gone on to successful and distinguished careers in agriculture, animal science, business, banking, engineering, law, and countless other endeavors, the common bond of our brotherhood remains, along with our shared principles and values. We can trace the roots of our success to our founders in the fall of 1953, who laid the foundation for this organization that continues to develop well-rounded and successful individuals. The principles ingrained into the culture of our fraternity have been integral to our personal success, helping to make us the men we are today.
Our chapter house has been a home away from home for hundreds of young men and a classroom where our brothers have learned from our founders the principles of striving to be excellent scholars, exceptional citizens, and a group with outstanding morals.