We always look forward to finding the next class of AGS men who aspire to develop themselves and others.
Many of our new men come from referrals that the active chapter and alumni members give us. Do you know of anyone that would be a great candidate to become an Alpha Sig? Please reach out to our rush chairmen and provide them with the contact information of those individuals.
We continue to grow AGS to be a leading fraternity on campus, and our recruitment is vital to achieving this goal. This page will continue to be updated with information on Summer 2024 Rush and other opportunities for potential new members to learn more about being a part of the brotherhood experience.
Have a recent high school graduate in your area that you’d recommend? Fill out this Google Form or contact our rush chairmen with the individuals you’d like to recommend, and we will get in contact with them. Any other questions? Reach out!
Thank you for doing your part in helping the Gamma Chapter continue to succeed!
2024 Rush Chairmen
Nathan Bell
Email: nathanbell88@gmail.com | Phone: (402) 480-8363
Seth Wert
Email: sethwert1102@gmail.com | Phone: (308) 940-3786