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Rush AGS

Why Rush Alpha Gamma Sigma?

The thought of going Greek had never crossed my mind while in high school. It wasn’t until the State FFA Convention that the idea was placed. Some kids from my high school were going around from booth to booth trying to get as many free things as they could. They apparently stumbled across the AGS booth and were told that if they could find a senior who was planning on attending UNL, they would get a candy bar. I was the first person they thought of and was taken straight to the booth. I talked with the guys at the booth to learn more about what fraternity life looked like. In the next few weeks, I thought more and more about the idea of rushing AGS. At the time, I made the decision that I was going to live in the dorms, and I had even found a roommate. Shortly after graduation, the Rush Chairmen reached out to me with the opportunity to go out for supper. I thought that I might as well see what they have to offer a little further in detail.

After hearing more about AGS, I was more on the fence about which path I should take. I told myself that I needed a house tour to help me with my decision to see if I could see myself living there. I then had the opportunity to visit the house a few weeks later and I was amazed. Not only was the house amazing but the quality of the men was even better. That day I was able to see more of the guys and how they interacted with each other. After leaving the house, I knew that AGS was going to be the place that would help me succeed during my college journey. I am so thankful that I made the decision to join AGS because it has been the place that has helped me succeed academically, become active with campus organizations, push me to be a better person, and has helped me become a well-rounded leader. 

Alpha Gamma Sigma Fraternity offers an unparalleled leadership program coupled with a brotherhood experience that is second to none. In addition to a culture of fostering growth and excellence, we offer the highest level of university housing on campus. Alpha Gamma Sigma's house offers a suite-style living arrangement to accommodate a living space much more conducive to the life of a college student. This style of living creates an easy living transition for incoming men. AGS is currently the only fraternity on campus offering full bathrooms, walk-in closets, dressers, an open kitchen space, individual washers and dryers, AC and heating units in each room, and full-sized beds for each member.

Even with the newest house on campus, the AGS brotherhood and the quality of our members are something we continue to invest in every day.  Since our founding in 1953, we have continued to stay true to our 13 founding principles every day. Some of those principles include: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Sacrifice. We have an amazing alumni support system, allowing members to connect with business and industry professionals who are products of our organization. These connections lead to internships, scholarships, and leadership and mentorship opportunities.

Some notable attributes that distinguish Alpha Gamma Sigma from all other fraternities at the UNL include our chapter leadership program, member scholarship availability, housing amenities, and education process. In addition to being affordable and accommodating for a college lifestyle, we offer a variety of scholarships for exemplary performance in academics, campus involvement, house leadership, and house-oriented areas throughout our members’ college experience. We firmly believe we can provide an immense amount of value to students attending UNL. Alpha Gamma Sigma continues to prepare men for life by coming together as scholars, living as brothers, and becoming leaders of tomorrow.  If you are interested in learning more about this value, please reach out via the information below. 



Seth Wert  Γ1182

(308) 940-3768

Rush Chairman



When I first stepped into the AGS house, I was blown away by how inviting and comfortable it felt compared to the dorms. Seeing how well the guys lived and the sense of community they shared immediately caught my attention.

The best part about being part of AGS has been having fellow members who share my major. Walking into classes on the first day and recognizing familiar faces from AGS instantly made me feel more welcome in my college experience. Having study buddies and homework helpers right down the hall has made navigating challenging assignments and exams so much easier.

What really sets AGS apart for me is the shared small-town values and the drive of the men to continually improve. It's inspiring to be surrounded by guys who are always striving to learn and grow, both academically and personally. In addition, the sense of camaraderie within AGS is unlike something I’ve experienced before. Being able to pop into anyone's room for a chat or to unwind after a long day is something I cherish deeply.

One of the standout moments for me was when an AGS alumni helped me secure my first internship. Their guidance has been helpful in shaping my professional journey and opening doors I never thought possible.

Looking ahead, I'm excited about the business and professional relationships AGS has provided and will continue to provide. The networking opportunities within the fraternity have been an invaluable part of my college experience so far.

AGS has been more than just a fraternity for me; it's been a home away from home and a place where I can grow personally and professionally. If you're looking for a brotherhood that values community, growth, and genuine connections, AGS might just be the perfect fit for you.



Nathan Bell Γ1180


Rush Chairman

Seth Wert
Rush Chairman

Phone: (308) 940-3768



Nathan Bell
Rush Chairman

Rush Email:
Phone: (402) 480-8363

Grounded In

  • Study groups, intramural teams, and a variety of club involvements are all areas in which we work cohesively to achieve greater heights as a brotherhood.

  • The fraternity provides brothers not in blood, but in bond; countless genuine friendships, which grow into life-long relationships and opportunities.

  • By providing community and accountability, we help our members look after their mental, physical, and spiritual health through college’s many challenges.

  • We believe fairness throughout life is essential to success, which is why we consider this principle to be the pillar of all success.

  • Our Leadership Development Program, offices, committees, and campus involvements help prepare our members to adapt and prosper through life’s challenges.

  • The fraternity provides structure and guidance to young men, teaching them personal responsibility and respect for others.

  • In a society increasingly drawn toward short-term gratification, we teach true integrity through proper conduct and values.

  • Our members invest their resources (time, money, advice, and companionship) into this organization knowing that their efforts contribute to something greater than any individual.

  • We provide a professional environment and a multitude of resources and incentives to produce well-educated and highly-skilled individuals.

  • As college serves as a transition from childhood to adulthood, this fraternity teaches young men the skills and characteristics needed to be self-sufficient.

  • We exercise etiquette, courtesy, and respect in our relationships and help students network with others, for friendships lay the foundation for professional connections.

  • Classes, sports, and activities all provide practice in both impartiality and superiority, which are necessary in the competitive nature of life.

  • Temperate living, pertaining to many aspects of life, allows us to enjoy wholesome lives while maintaining success and respect amongst our associates.

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