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Unparalleled Leadership

Chapter President Letter

The men of Alpha Gamma Sigma are eagerly anticipating another promising semester characterized by growth, leadership, and academic excellence. With 89 active members, we continue to make significant impacts across campus and within the agricultural industry. Academically, our chapter maintains a strong 3.267 GPA, with 23 members earning spots on the Fall Dean's List and six achieving Dean’s Commendation List honors. The support of our alumni remains invaluable, with 31 members receiving academic scholarships this year.

The AGS Executive Board recently participated in an accountability workshop led by Joe LaStoria from Culture Partners, an experience we deeply valued. The workshop provided our Executive Board with valuable insights into accountability and cultivating a strong chapter culture. Joe guided us through three key focus areas: academic excellence, unparalleled leadership, and making a difference. He also outlined a four-step process to achieve these goals. Since the workshop, the Executive Board has actively applied these principles, using the three targets to guide our decision-making and strengthen our chapter's foundation.

Alpha Gamma Sigma UNL members continue to hold leadership roles across campus. The CASNR Career Services program features three of our members as Peer Career Coaches: Caleb Burnside (‘23 Γ1195), Henry Coleman (‘23 Γ1196), and Grant Nielsen (‘23 Γ1214). We are particularly proud of Gavin Dozler (‘22 Γ1166) and Michael Bequette  (‘22 Γ1163) for their induction into the Order of Omega. Additionally, we are proud to have five brothers serving on the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council (NAYC): Seth Wert (‘22 Γ1182), Evan Svanda (‘22 Γ1186), Caleb Burnside (‘23 Γ1195), Braydon Binger (‘23 Γ1218), and Alex Boudreau (‘23 Γ1208). Alongside NAYC, Alex contributes to the Engler Program as a member of the Engler Experience Team. We are also proud to recognize Reagan Choat (‘24 Γ1227), who is serving as Nebraska’s FFA State President.

The chapter maintains a strong presence in professional organizations. Trevor Parde (‘23 Γ1200) serves as Vice President of the Block and Bridle Club, along with five other active members. Seven members of the NHRI Leadership Mentoring program demonstrate our commitment to leadership development. Eleven AGS members benefit the Agronomy Club, and two represent us on the Crops Judging Team.

Focusing on the future betterment of our chapter remains a constant goal. Our members are continually seeking to make a positive impact on our campus, community, and each other. The Gamma Chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma is evolving; celebrating our successes while striving for improvements every step of the way.



Gavin Dozler

Chapter President, Г1166

Phone: (402) 741-9196

Chapter President's Letter